Overview of Cemeteries in Munich

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Every year, more than 10,000 people pass away in Munich. Given the city's population, this is an average mortality rate. Nonetheless, the deceased need to be laid to rest in a place where they can be honored, and where loved ones can visit to remember them. Despite the declining number of religious believers in today's society, more than 40% of Munich's residents still identify with the Catholic or Protestant faiths. For the majority who are non-religious or of different faiths, various institutions in Munich provide different cemeteries. The following will provide a detailed overview of these.

List of Municipal Cemeteries in Munich

  • Allach Cemetery
  • Aubing Cemetery
  • Baumkirchen Cemetery
  • Bogenhausen Cemetery
  • Daglfing Cemetery
  • Englschalking Cemetery
  • Feldmoching Cemetery
  • Forstenried Cemetery
  • Freimann Cemetery
  • Haidhausen Cemetery
  • Johanneskirchen Cemetery
  • Laim Cemetery
  • Lochhausen Cemetery
  • New/Old Jewish Cemetery
  • Forest Cemetery (Waldfriedhof)
  • West Cemetery (Westfriedhof)
  • Old/New South Cemetery (Südfriedhof)
  • Old/New North Cemetery (Nordfriedhof)
  • Perlacher Forst Cemetery
  • Ostfriedhof Cemetery
  • Obermenzing Forest Cemetery
  • Park Cemetery Untermenzing
  • Riem Cemetery
  • Pasing Cemetery
  • Solln Forest Cemetery
  • Oberföhring Cemetery
  • Perlach Cemetery
  • Moosach Cemetery
  • Haumkirchen Cemetery

The 4 Major Cemeteries in Munich

Forest Cemetery (Waldfriedhof)

The Forest Cemetery is the largest cemetery in Munich. It is divided into an old and a new section. The old part was established back in 1905, making it the first cemetery in Germany designed to harmonize with a forest in a natural setting.
The new part of the cemetery also represented pioneering efforts for its time, including the creation of the first Islamic burial ground.
The cemetery features memorial plots that honor those who died in wars or through acts of violence. This significant cemetery in Munich thus serves as a place of remembrance for them as well.

Old South Cemetery (Alter Südfriedhof)

This historic cemetery was created during a plague epidemic. As the oldest surviving central cemetery in Munich, it offers a glimpse into 19th-century society. Due to space constraints, it was ultimately closed. However, it is now a protected monument and was extensively renovated by 2007 to preserve its many historic graves and buildings. It invites visitors to take a journey through Munich's history. For those seeking more information about the notable figures buried here, the project 'Where They Rest' offers detailed texts and audio material about the lives of 34 individuals buried there.

Eastern Cemetery (Ostfriedhof)

The Eastern Cemetery in Munich is still in use today. It features impressive architecture and beautiful cascades, but also has a darker history. The crematorium located here was used during the Nazi era to cremate political prisoners. Many of those cremated were prisoners from various concentration camps, brought here in secret and buried anonymously.

Northern Cemetery (Nordfriedhof)

Like the South Cemetery, the Northern Cemetery includes 25 graves featured in 64 minutes of audio material as part of the 'Where They Rest' project. It has long been one of the largest cemeteries in Munich, but has suffered damage to its monuments. In 2019, the sphinxes originally standing at the entrance of the mortuary were reconstructed and reinstalled. The preservation effort also includes plans to restore the west side of the historical building.

Famous Personalities Buried in Munich's Cemeteries

Forest Cemetery, Munich

  • Winfried Zehetmeier, 2019, former Mayor
  • Hansjörg Felmy, 2007, Actor
  • Michael Ende, 1995, Author
  • Alfons Goppel, 1991, Premier of Bavaria

Old South Cemetery

  • Eugen Albert, 1929, Chemist
  • Carl Spitzweg, 1885, Painter
  • Ludwig von Schwanthaler, 1848, Sculptor
  • Leo von Klenze, 1864, Architect

Bogenhausen Cemetery - Cemetery of Celebrities

  • Friedrich Meyer, 1993, Composer
  • Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1982, Director
  • Erich Kästner, 1974, Author
  • Helmut Fischer, 1997, Actor

Northern Cemetery

  • Johannes Heesters, 2011, Actor
  • Beppo Brehm, 1990, Actor
  • Sammy Drechsel, 1986, Cabaret Performer
  • Wolfgang Koeppen, 1996, Writer

Eastern Cemetery

  • Rudolf Moshammer, 2005, Fashion Designer
  • Tomas Wimmer, 1964, Lord Mayor
  • Rex Gildo, 1999, Singer
  • Erni Singerl, 2005, Actress

Perlacher Forst Cemetery

  • Sophie Scholl, 1943, Resistance Fighter
  • Hans Scholl, 1943, Resistance Fighter
  • Christoph Probst, 1943, Resistance Fighter
  • Wilhelm Hoegner, 1980, Prime Minister

The Significance of Cemeteries in Munich

A cemetery serves as more than just a final resting place. For many grieving loved ones, it is a significant location for mourning and farewells. Funerals in Munich often include ceremonies and traditions that provide solace and help the bereaved process their loss.

Over time, a cemetery can also become a place of remembrance. Visiting the grave can bring comfort, allowing loved ones to reflect on the good times they shared. It also provides a chance for connection among those left behind.

Aside from these functions, cemeteries also offer natural spaces. In a bustling city like Munich, they act as green sanctuaries, offering habitats for various plant and animal species. For city dwellers, they provide a place to reconnect with nature and take a peaceful break from the noise and pollution of urban life.

Here are additional details about Munich's cemeteries from the city's official website

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